Do you need a website? Or does your current site need a face lift?
A modern, well presented website is now expected for most businesses and organizations. It is the most important marketing tool in all of today’s markets by far. The absence of a useful website can greatly hurt business and the presence of one opens up unlimited possibilities of introducing your brand to the world. It is my expertise to open up these possibilities and make your presence known in every desired market.
I have website packages starting at $2000.
Do you need a mobile website? Or do you need to make your current site optimized for mobile devices?
With more and more mobile devices being introduced daily, it’s important to deliver your information to potential clients on the go on those devices. Whether it’s a mobile website or an app for phones and tablets, I can create it for you.
I have mobile packages starting at $2000.
Do you need help with your online social media marketing?
Using social media, like Twitter and Facebook, to get your name out there as an expert in your field not only helps with branding but also creates relationships with potential customers. Sometimes it can feel like a daunting task. I can help you develop your social media strategies, set up and design your social media accounts and maintain your strategies to get your brand out there to the world.
Packages begin at $500 for set up and $500/month to provide social media maintenance so you don’t have to.
Do you need to bump yourself up on Google and other search engines?
Getting your website up and running is just the beginning of developing a web presence. In order to utilize your site to get new customers, you need to make sure your site appears when those potential customers perform specific searches. Search Engine Optimization is an art in itself. I can help you stay ahead of your competition when users perform searches in your industry.
Packages begin at $500 for your evaluation and $500/month to provide seo maintenance to get you higher on your searches out there.
Do you need the whole shabang? Website, Search Engine Optimization and Online Marketing (Social Media).
I can help with several “web presence” packages starting at $4000.